Associazione Balò ODV

Outcome of the event “La Moda che Fa Bene” held on July 16, 2021

July 29, 2021

Balò is very happy to share with you the outcome of the event “La Moda che Fa Bene” held on July 16, 2021. This fundraising evening allowed us to raise 6,270 euros.

This success was made possible thanks to everyone who participated, those who purchased Balosocialbrand items, the lottery participants, and those who donated even without attending.

A heartfelt thank you to the models, all the hardworking volunteers, the musicians, and singers. Thanks to La Cantineria. You are many, all united for a noble cause.

The funds raised will be used to finance the school project, involving 320 students who can attend school thanks to your support.