Associazione Balò ODV

Our history

A look back to look forward.

First steps

The Balò Association took its first steps in 2005 from a volunteer experience of its founder, Elisabetta Ravaioli. In Howrah, Elisabetta immediately saw the need to intervene directly to help some very poor families, already well below the poverty line, to avoid their total collapse with the consequent immediate worsening of the children's living conditions. These risks prompted Elisabetta to lay the foundations of collaboration with some Indian volunteers who could follow the projects, families, and children on an ongoing basis. All the activity was carried out under the careful supervision of the Italian volunteers.

Con il passare dei mesi l’attività si consolida, viene individuata una piccola base logistica a – Pilkhana – Howrah, dove bambini e famiglie si ritrovano per ricevere ascolto e aiuto, soprattutto alimentare e medico. Per i bambini si punta decisamente sull’educazione scolastica, unica possibilità per cercare di dar loro un futuro migliore. Sempre durante quest’anno, si iniziano a pagare le spese scolastiche di alcuni bambini. Nell’ottobre 2007 si costituisce formalmente l’associazione di volontariato. Nasce la Sartoria Balò formata da giovani donne che realizzano manufatti e capi d’abbigliamento la cui vendita contribuisce a reperire fondi per aiutare altre famiglie e bambini. Il 30 Aprire 2008On 30 April 2008 th association obtained the recognition of an NGO - non-profit organization, or non-profit organization of social utility. Nella primavera del 2011 Balò apre la sua prima vera e propria sede operativa Casabalò a PilKhana – Howrah, più grande e strutturata, per poter accogliere i bimbi durante le attività pomeridiane. Questa è anche la sede della sartoria. In questo stesso anno assume insegnanti qualificati per seguire i bambini nei compiti.

Having a bigger structure, Balò was now in a position to open its first kindergarten in 2013 with an inhouse canteen, and in 2014 the first classes of primary schools were established. For the upper classes, children attended a nearby school fully paid with Balò funds.

At the end of 2016 Elisabetta opened the Home Shelter for girls: 8 girls between 8 and 18 years, rescued from situations which were very risky for their physical and mental safety, live full-time in the house and are mothered by a qualified person who takes care of them.

In 2017, Balo English medium School opened its doors. The entire cycle of studies from kindergarten to class 10 was provided, in addition to canteen facilities where lunch was provided to pupils and staff each day.

In 2021, the course of studies was extended up to classes 11 and 12, or upper secondary school. As of April 2022, 350 pupils were on the rolls, a vast increase on the small beginnings in 2006. In 2023, the first group of students – 11 in all – graduated.

Today, over 380 students divided into 14 classes (from kindergarten to class 12) are successfully attending school: Every year, more children are enrolled in Balo school. These children will have the opportunity to study in a completely free school with fully qualified teachers in the heart of the district of Pilkhana.

Our philosophy

Is simple: to break the cycle of poverty and to inspire positive changes in the lives of vulnerable children and women.


Balò ODV has decided to operate in India where there is still a gap that seems unbridgeable between the population benefiting from the economic boom and the population that has no access even to the minimum standards of life; where hygiene and sanitation leave a lot to be desired and is a luxury that few have, where to send their children to school is often unthinkable.


Giving awareness to vulnerable children and women by providing access to quality education, nutritious food and medical care in a protected environment.


Equality, respect, transparency, and reliability. We take responsibility for making the use of resources as efficient as possible. We use all our energy to ensure that funds are spent effectively and that budgets are accessible and transparent.


We prioritise the welfare of the women and children we deal with. All the people with whom we come into contact in various ways are treated equally, regardless of gender, ethnicity, or religion.

Funding members

A group of friends, initially. More and more numerous, more and more grateful for the active contribution of all of them.
20 funding members of Balò ODV Association have elected a board of directors composed of:

Elisabetta Ravioli


Cesena (FC)

Maurizio Magni

Vice President

Cesena (FC)

Cristina Piscaglia


Cesena (FC)

  • Simona Aguzzoni – Cesena (FC)
  • Gloria Caminati – Cesena (FC)
  • Bernardo Cucuzzo – Bologna (BO)
  • Paola Emiliozzi – Rimini (RN)
  • Cristina Fazioli – Bologna (BO)
  • Mauro Ferri – Cesena (FC)
  • Monica Galassi – Ravenna (RA)
  • Stefano Mancini – Cesena (FC)
  • Sabrina Mossenta – Milano (MI)
  • Michele Romini – Cesena (FC)
  • Guido Sarti – Cesena (FC)
  • Cristina Severi – Bologna (BO)
  • Elisabetta Severi – Cesena (FC)
  • Antonella Stazzoni – Cesena (FC)
  • Marco Tavoni – Bologna (BO)
  • Pierluigi Turchi – Cesena (FC)
  • Patrizia Bertolami (BO)
  • Liam Ashe (Irlanda)