Casa Balò
A refuge of hope.

Casabalò is located on the edge of the Pilkhana slum in the Howrah district of Calcutta.
Casabalò is located on the edge of the Pilkhana slum in the Howrah district of Calcutta.
These are the alleys that inspired Dominique Lapierre to write the book “City of Joy”. Since then almost nothing has changed, as if these corners of the city, unknown to the middle and upper Indian classes, were trapped by a kind of immobility. This district is inhabited by millions of people from the countryside or from neighboring Indian states.
Until a few years ago there were only shacks in this district; now alongside the barracks multi-storey apartment blocks have been erected, built with poor materials that do not withstand the adversities of the monsoons and that are old even before they are finished. The sewers are open-air, garbage everywhere, the alleys are dirty, water pumps are always too far away and bathrooms are simply non-existent. People live in a single very small room with the whole family: the only source of light, the door. Casabalò, the first structure opened by the association – is located in this environment and houses the Home Shelter for girls. The“Balò English Medium School” is also nearby.“.
Home Shelter for Girls
In October 2016, Casabalò opened its doors to become a home shelter for girls: a long-conceived project due to the significant responsibility it entails, but one that had become an urgent necessity.
Currently, it hosts 7 girls aged between 8 and 17. All of them have very difficult backgrounds, but since living at Casabalò, they are serene, feel protected, and free to express themselves. They consider this their home. They all attend Balò English School and live harmoniously with the constant presence of a responsible caretaker who looks after them.